This website is not to be used as a public resource for downloading state forms. Please visit the states' websites for official forms.
We are always adding to this inventory. If you see something that could be improved, have forms you would like us to add, or are looking for forms that are not included, please let us know.
The Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) assists state regulatory agencies in implementing RBDMS, a suite of integrated software products designed to manage data related to regulation, oversight and management of oil, gas and Underground Injection (UIC) facilities and activities.
During the software implementation process, state agencies often review and update their policies, procedures, and forms. GWPC's Forms Project has gathered oil and gas regulatory forms from multiple states and cataloged them in a Forms Index (below). This Index allows users to find forms by capability and see how different states manage specific regulatory processes.
In addition, GWPC is inventorying fields on popular forms across multiple states. Using stanardized field names and a pivot table, the Field Inventory allows users to see which fields are included on the majority of states' forms.
The Forms Index serves as a method for browsing our form directory. Users can filter the data by type of form, state, etc. to compare various components of national permitting forms. Hyperlinks under Form Name will open the form. In order to compare data entry fields within these forms, please see our Field Inventory.
There are two ways to browse forms: